Friday, July 21, 2017

Restoring data from Tape in EMC Networker

1. Start Networker User program on the Networker server or on the local machine that you want to do the restore to. On the local machine the program is called winworkr.exe and should be in the nsr/bin directory. You can create a desktop shortcut to the program but you need to add the -s to the end of the executable line in order to point to the Networker server.

2. Click the Recover button.

3. Select the system you want to restore from..

4. Select the system you want to restore to..

5. Scroll through the appropriate directory hierarchy to select the files and/or directories that you want to restore. You must right click selections to mark them for restore.

6. The latest available versions will be selected. If you want an earlier version then go to the View menu, select change browse time and select the date that you want to go back to. You will need to re-select and re-mark the files and/or directories that you want restored.

7. After selection in either case also go to the View menu and select the Required Volumes item. This will tell you which tape or file device that the items are located on. In the case of older tapes that may not be in the library you may have to cross-reference the Legato-Tape-List spreadsheet to find out if it is a Monthly at Iron Mountain or if it is a weekly that will be in our safe. You may have to retrieve the tape; load it in the library, inventory the library and load the tape in the drive prior to the restore.

8. You may double check the version date by going to the Networker Administrator program; select the Volumes tab along the bottom and double-click the tape number or volume name. This should pop up a window that lists everything on the media. You may double check that the file and proper revision you are looking for is on that tape.

9. After that return to the Networker User program and select the Options menu and the Recover Options sub-menu item. Make the appropriate selections for renaming or overwriting the recovered files. You may also designate an alternate directory location if necessary.

10. Once all of that is completed then select the Start button and monitor the progress of the restore.

11. When the restore is complete, unload the tape from the drive, remove the tape from the library and return it to the proper location in the safe and/or Iron Mountain.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Manage HP Service Guard on Linux clusters

Note : The Linux clusters have two cluster nodes running RHEL or SLES with one or more Service guard packages, each with shared file systems and VIP.

1) Start the cluster.

To start the cluster, use the following command. This command will start each of the nodes in the cluster as well as the Data Protector package:
# cmruncl

2) Stop the cluster.

To shut down the cluster, use the following command:
# cmhaltcl –f
The -f option will shut down the package running on the cluster and then all the cluster nodes.

3) Check the cluster logs.

All the cluster events (except the specifics events for packages) are tracked in the system logs. You can check the latest cluster events by using the following command:
# tail -f /var/ log/messages

4) Check the cluster status.

Use the following commands to check the cluster status. Both cluster nodes should be up and running, the package should be running in the primary node and both AUTO_RUN and switching should be enabled in both nodes:
# cmviewcl
# cmviewcl –v
Upgrade Apache on HP-Ux server

Upgrading  Apache version to 2.2.15.x on all HP-Ux Servers.

1) Review this update.

See this update:

2) Get the target Apache package.

Search for the following on this page and download it:
HP-UX Apache-based Web Server v.3.26 powered by Apache Tomcat Webmin

3) Upload this package to the target HPUX server.

Use winscp to upload this package to the target HPUX server.

4) Install this package.

a. Check the current Apache version on the HPUX server. Run this command:
      #swlist|grep Apache
b. Install this package. Run this command:
      #swinstall -s /root/Apache/HP-UX_11.31_HPUXWS22ATW-B326-11-31-64.depot \*
c. Check the Apache version after upgrade. Run this command:
      #swlist|grep Apache
d. Make sure now the Apache version is B.

5) Check the SMH running status.

Open the SMH link from IE and make sure it works properly.
Adding additional swap when primary is almost full 

Scenario : Primary swap lvol2 already exists in vg00.  Now  the space is occupied with all the processes. The better way to extend the size of the swap is add another disk and create secondary swap.

Note : Reboot is must to effect the changes.

Procedure :

1) Create physical volume on disk
     # pvcreate /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0

2) Create vg directory
     # mkdir /dev/vg14

3) Create the device file for your new character device
     # mknod /dev/vg14/group c 64 0x014000

NOTE: "vgnn: nn" is the vg number in decimal, "c" = character device, "64" = driver number, "0xnn0000: nn" is the vg number in hexadecimal)

4) Create the volume group which will contain your secondary swap.
     # vgcreate /dev/vg14 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0

5) Create the logical volume for your secondary swap
     # lvcreate -L 128 /dev/vg14

6)  Verify the physical volume
      # pvdisplay /dev/dsk/c1d0d0

7) Verify the physical volume assigned to volume group
     # vgdisplay -v

8) Verify the logical volume
     # lvdisplay /dev/vg14/lvol15

9) Use SAM to declare your new secondary swap or use the command line
     # swapon /dev/vg14/lvol15

10) Verify it has been added in "/etc/fstab" when using SAM, or add it manually when using the command line.

Extending the Logical Volume in Cluster Environment

1.   Stopping the Cluster group (MSGW2) which is using by Logical Volume /dev/mapper/MSGW2-lvol1.

                      Syntax: clusvcadm –d <Group >
                         #Clusvcadm –d MSGW2 

2. Extending the Logical volume /dev/mapper/MSGW2-lvol1 size to 25 GB

     Syntax: lvextened  -L <size> <LV Name>

3. Resizing the Logical volume /dev/mapper/MSGW2-lvol1 file system upto 25 GB.

                       Syntax: resize2fs <Logical Volume Name> <Size>

4. Starting the Cluster Group (MSGW2).

Syntax: clusvcadm –e <Group >

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

FTP Configuration on Windows Server

For new ftp user creation please follow the below mentioned steps:

1) Go to start à Administrative tools à Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

2)  Then Under FTP sites you can find the Default FTP side. Then go to properties.

3)  In that Directory Security under Deniedaccess you can find the existing IP addresses which are all available now.

4)  Then click on add tab enter the IP address of which you want to give access. Then click ok.

5) Then Right click on default web side click stop after few seconds click on start for restarting the ftp services.
How to download Skype on Linux machine

1) Make sure your server is connected to internet

2) To download the skype from internet

# wget

3) To install the rpm package for skype

# yum install skypeforlinux-64-alpha.rpm  
How to update the kernel value dynamically on Linux Server

 To update the kernel value dynamically

# sysctl -w kernel.domainname=""

we can check the value in below configuration file

# cat /etc/sysctl.conf