Friday, August 18, 2017

Syslog configuration in RHEL 6

1.  Log in to the server by putty and switch to “root” user

2.  Check which syslog is running as daemon by
    #ps -ef |grep syslog

3.  Copy the original config file by
    #cp /etc/rsyslog.conf /etc/

4.  Edit the rsyslog.conf and add the destination like the following rows depending on the region the system belongs.
#########This is the destination for forwarding syslog messages######
*.*     @10.130.X.X:514

5.  Restart the rsyslog service by
    #service rsyslog restart

6.  Check the rsyslog has been restarted with new PID and test with sending an event to the syslog
    #ps –ef |grep syslog
    #logger –p user.err “ A test for check”
    #tail /var/log/messages to see if the above test has arrived

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