Monday, August 8, 2016

Barcode issue on Oracle Secure Backup

1) Below is the Barcode error with one of the media/tape

admin/1.1: 2014/05/06.16:15:25 (pvfw) mounted ok
admin/1.1: 2014/05/06.16:15:25 (pvfw) pos_vol_cleanup not returning pstate
admin/1.1: 2014/05/06.16:15:25 (dmap) 10_0_12_0 success
admin/1.1: Error: Barcode label LL1000 mismatch with media barcode II1492
admin/1.1: Backup statistics:
admin/1.1: status 53
admin/1.1: devices 10_0_12_0
admin/1.1: devices 1

2) The below steps are the workaround for the barcode issue. These steps will help you erase the first block.

@ OSB interactive test program
@ obt> o vt1 w
@ obt> a 64k
buf #1 allocated, len=65536
@ obt> rewind
@ obt> fi 0
@ obt> w 1
@ obt> w 1
@ obt> quit
Collecting Support information on Brocade Switch

1) From the switch connectivity server/Mgmt server

# script -a /var/tmp/supportshow_sw1.txt

2) Connect to Brocade Switch from Server using telnet command

#  telnet brocade1 ---   (brocade1 is the switch name)

3) Run the supportshow command

brocade1> supportshow

Logout and press ctrl + D to close the file

Oracle Database is running in No archive mode 

1> Update database parameter, log_archive_start, to value, TRUE

2> Shutdown database & middle tier processes

3> Start database using commands:

SQL>startup mount
SQL>alter database archivelog ;
SQL>alter database open;

4> Verify archivelog mode is enabled by running command

SQL>archive log list;

5> Start database listener & middle tier processes

6> Perform healthcheck
Purging the Keys on Dataforte/Decru

   1.    Stop I/O through the DataFort.

   2.    Collect the output from the tape history list and the tape list commands to a file as needed.

   3.    keyman lkmkeys backup

   4.    db export --lkm --purge

   5.    keyman purgekeys start --remove-tape-history --age 20000

   6.    keyman purge key status

   7.    keyman purgekeys accelerate

   8.    keyman purgekeys accelerate

   9.    keyman purgekeys accelerate

  10.   keyman purgekeys accelerate

  11.   keyman purge key status

This  works when using a key per tape mode, and  expiration dates are different.
Run this procedure manually before the count reaches 8192.

Remove Node from HP Service Guard Cluster and Return a node to the Cluster

1) Take primary node out of cluster.

# cmhaltnode -f  <nodename>

2)  To Start the primary node and put it back into cluster

# cmrunnode  <primary_node>

Package will not be going to fail back automatically.  After the primary node is back in the cluster, make sure package is moved to it manually.

3) Remove the second node from the cluster.

# cmhaltnode  -f  <secondary_node>

4) To start the secondary node and put it back into the cluster.

# cmrunnode  <secondary_node>
Unexpected Failure while changing password for a Non-root user on Solaris

$ passwd hafjk
Enter existing login password:
Unexpected failure. Password file/table unchanged

After changing the permissions for passwd file, issue got fixed

# chmod 6555 /bin/passwd

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Add and Configure Datastores in VMware from Vcenter

1) Add storage from Vcenter

a. Open vCenter/Home/Inventory/Hosts and Cluster.
Select any cluster host.
Click the Configuration Tab --> Hardware menu ->click Storage.
Click Rescan ->Click Add Storage.
b. Click Disk/LUN and click Next.
c. Select the new datastore and click Next.

2) Configure datastore

a. Select VMFS and click Next.
b. Review disk layout and click Next.
c. Type Datastore name and click Next.
d. Select Maximum Available Space and click Next.
e. Review Disk Layout and click Finish.

3) Rescan datastore

a. Right-click any of the cluster hosts.
Select Rescan for Datastores and click ok.
b. Select Scan For New VMFS Volumes and click ok.

4) Add datastore to datastore cluster

Select Home/ Inventory/ Datastores and Datastores Clusters.
Right-click the suitable datastore cluster.
Click Add storage -->Select the required datastore(s)-->Click OK.

Rescan the newly added disks on Solaris 10

1)  When System is up ( without FC devices)

# /usr/sbin/devfsadm

/devices is dynamic and managed by the devfs filesystem

2) When System is  up (with FC devices)

a) Get the enclosure name

# /usr/sbin/luxadm probe

b)  Add the disk

# /usr/sbin/luxadm insert_device enclosure,slot

3) Reboot the system (is the final option)

# touch /reconfigure
# init 6

Thursday, August 4, 2016

SSH installation on Solaris 9 

1) Download and extract the tar file

# tar xvf ssh_5.1P_soalris9.tar

2)  Install the ssh package

# cd ssh_5.1P_soalris9

# sh -x

Press 'Y' when asked

3) Restart the service

# /etc/init.d/sshd stop
# /etc/init.d/prngd stop

# /etc/init.d/prngd start
# /etc/init.d/sshd start

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Syslog Configuration on Suse Linux

1) Take copy of the existing configuration file.

# cp /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf /etc/syslog-ng/

2)  Add the destination for forwarding syslog messages in the below file.

# vi /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf

destination loghost { udp("" port(514)); };
log { source(src); destination(loghost); };


4)  Restart the service

# /etc/init.d/syslog restart

# ps -ef | grep -i syslog

Create user and provide sudo permissions on Linux

# useradd -m -d /home/kase -g 101 -u 105 -s /bin/ksh kase

# visudo
bavi ALL=(ALL) ALL
kase ALL=(ALL) ALL

Monday, August 1, 2016

Attaching and Detaching using SVM on Solaris Servers

1) Detach all sub-mirrors that belongs to root-disk, var, swap, opt etc

#df -k

# metastat -p
d0 -m d1 d2 1
d1 1 1 c1t0d0s0
d2 1 1 c1t1d0s0
d10 -m d11 d12 1
d11 1 1 c1t0d0s1
d12 1 1 c1t1d0s1
d20 -m d21 d22 1
d21 1 1 c1t0d0s4
d22 1 1 c1t1d0s4
d30 -m d31 d32 1
d31 1 1 c1t0d0s5
d32 1 1 c1t1d0s5
d40 -m d41 d42 1
d41 1 1 c1t0d0s6
d42 1 1 c1t1d0s6
d99 -m d100 d101 1
d100 1 1 c1t3d0s1
d101 1 1 c1t2d0s1
d110 -m d111 d112 1
d111 1 1 c1t3d0s0
d112 1 1 c1t2d0s0

# metadetach d0 d2
d0: submirror d2 is detached

# metadetach d10 d12  
d10: submirror d12 is detached

2) Reboot the server once patching is done

3) Attach the sub-mirror with main mirror

# metattach d0 d2
d0: submirror d2 is attached

# metattach d10 d12  
d10: submirror d12 is attached

4) Verify mirror status

# metastat | grep %
    Resync in progress: 8 % done
    Resync in progress: 5 % done

Create a new volume in Veritas and mount it on HP-ux Server

1) Create a new Vertias volume with 500 GB

root# vxassist -g diskgroup1 make lv05 500G

root# vxprint -vl

2)  Create Vertias File System on newly created Veritas Volume (lv05)

root# mkfs -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vx/dsk/diskgroup1/lv05

3) Mount Veritas Volume

root# mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/diskgroup1/lv05 /lvnew

root# bdf
Installing Vertias Software on Redhat Linux 5

root#rpm -ivh VRTSperl-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSperl               ########################################### [100%]

root#rpm -ivh VRTSvlic-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSvlic               ########################################### [100%]

root#rpm -ivh VRTSvxvm-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSvxvm               ########################################### [100%]
Installing file /etc/init.d/vxvm-boot
creating VxVM device nodes under /dev
Installing keys for APMs

root#rpm -ivh VRTSaslapm-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
:VRTSaslapm             ########################################### [100%]
Installing keys for APMs

root# rpm -ivh VRTSvxfs-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSvxfs               ########################################### [100%]
Installing module init file "/etc/init.d/vxfs"
WARNING:  No modules found for 2.6.18-348.el5, using compatible modules for 2.6.18-128.el5.

root# rpm -ivh VRTSfsadv-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSfsadv              ########################################### [100%]
Installing VxFS replication init file "/etc/init.d/vxfs_replication"
Starting replication daemon disabled

root#rpm -ivh VRTSfssdk-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSfssdk              ########################################### [100%]

root# rpm -ivh VRTSlvmconv-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSlvmconv            ########################################### [100%]

root# rpm -ivh VRTSob-3.4.678-0.i686.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSob                 ########################################### [100%]

root#rpm -ivh VRTSodm-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSodm                ########################################### [100%]

root#rpm -ivh VRTSodm-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSodm                ########################################### [100%]

root# rpm -ivh VRTSsfmh-
Preparing...                rpm -ivh ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSsfmh               ########################################### [100%]

root# rpm -ivh VRTSspt-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
1:VRTSspt                ########################################### [100%]

root# rpm -qa |grep  -i vrts

root# chkconfig --list | grep vx
vxfs            0:off   1:on    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
vxfs_replication        0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
vxodm           0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
vxvm-boot       0:off   1:on    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
vxvm-reconfig   0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
vxvm-recover    0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

root# service vxfs_replication status
Checking for vxfstaskd... vxfstaskd is stopped
Checking for vxfsrepld... vxfsrepld is stopped

root# service vxfs_replication start
Starting replication daemon disabled

root# service vxodm status
vxodm is stopped

root# service vxodm start
Starting ODM WARNING:  No modules found for 2.6.18-348.el5, using compatible modules for 2.6.18-128.el5.
service vxvm-boot

root# service vxvm-boot status
vxconfigd is stopped

root# service vxvm-boot start
Starting up VxVM:
Refreshing key links for APMs
Starting LVM VGs on dmpnode
  Reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...
  Found volume group "vg01" using metadata type lvm2
  Found volume group "vg00" using metadata type lvm2