Monday, August 8, 2016

Purging the Keys on Dataforte/Decru

   1.    Stop I/O through the DataFort.

   2.    Collect the output from the tape history list and the tape list commands to a file as needed.

   3.    keyman lkmkeys backup

   4.    db export --lkm --purge

   5.    keyman purgekeys start --remove-tape-history --age 20000

   6.    keyman purge key status

   7.    keyman purgekeys accelerate

   8.    keyman purgekeys accelerate

   9.    keyman purgekeys accelerate

  10.   keyman purgekeys accelerate

  11.   keyman purge key status

This  works when using a key per tape mode, and  expiration dates are different.
Run this procedure manually before the count reaches 8192.

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