Monday, August 8, 2016

Barcode issue on Oracle Secure Backup

1) Below is the Barcode error with one of the media/tape

admin/1.1: 2014/05/06.16:15:25 (pvfw) mounted ok
admin/1.1: 2014/05/06.16:15:25 (pvfw) pos_vol_cleanup not returning pstate
admin/1.1: 2014/05/06.16:15:25 (dmap) 10_0_12_0 success
admin/1.1: Error: Barcode label LL1000 mismatch with media barcode II1492
admin/1.1: Backup statistics:
admin/1.1: status 53
admin/1.1: devices 10_0_12_0
admin/1.1: devices 1

2) The below steps are the workaround for the barcode issue. These steps will help you erase the first block.

@ OSB interactive test program
@ obt> o vt1 w
@ obt> a 64k
buf #1 allocated, len=65536
@ obt> rewind
@ obt> fi 0
@ obt> w 1
@ obt> w 1
@ obt> quit

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