Friday, July 15, 2016

Aggregate full on Netapp Storage 

Procedure for handling Volume and Aggregate Full

1. If we have enough free space in the aggregate( i.e. more than 40G ) add the space to the volume

 To check free space in aggregate :  rsh <filername> df -Ah

2. Check for any offline volumes and destroy the same if the volume is expired.

rsh <filername> vol status | grep -i offline

Check for any special instruction in the offlineed volumes and after auditing the SR/RFC# and exp date, delete the volume name.

rsh <filername> vol destroy <offline volume name>

3. Check for any unused volumes ( 0% usable sapce )

rsh <filername> df -h | grep -v snap | grep -i GB

Before reducing the space, check if that volume name has any entry in the AFSM exception list.

4. Check for volumes with high snapshot usage and delete the expired snapshots and assign the gained space to aggregate.

If the aggregate usage is more than 99% keep 2 to 3 schedule snapshots for non-prod instances and delete rest of the scheduled snapshots .

rsh <filername> df -h | grep -i snap | grep -i GB

rsh <filername> snap reclaimable <volumename> <snapshotname>

- snap reclaimable command will provide how much space can be obtained from that particular snapshot on deletion.

4. Check for any overallocated code volumes

./ <filername>   ( Customized script )

If any code volumes occupies more than 300G, raise "code cleanup SR" to monitoring team

5. Check for any .del qtrees under arch volume .Check for any unused snapmirror snapshots and delete it .Check of any arch qtrees usage above the threshold and work on cleanup using logarch script

rsh <filername> qtree status <archvolume name>

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