Saturday, July 16, 2016

CAP shows offline in ACSLS (Automatic Catridge System Library Software )

1.  Login as Service on the SL console.

2.  Select Tools > Diagnostics

3.  Expand CAP folder and select desired CAP

4.  CAP should show as "Locked"

5.  Change right hand drop box to "False"

6.  Click Apply

7.  Unlock the CAP on the SLC Console

8.  Push flashing CAP button

9.  Open CAP and remove carts

10.  Push CAP button on CAP again to close the CAP door.

11.  CAP goes into an unreserved state not assigned to a partition.

12.  From the ACSLS cmd_proc,  issue "vary CAP x,x,x online"

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