Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Increasing File System in VXVM

1) Verify recent flasharchive on the system.
2) Verify a recent backup of the file systems to be modified.  
3) Notify the server's CMDB management group and Operations that the change is starting.

4) Use 'df -k' on the partitions to be resized, and store the total size of the file systems.
# df -k /app

Initialize the disk
# /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i c5t3d9 format=cdsdisk

5) Add the disk into the required diskgroup "datadg"
# vxdg -g datadg adddisk data_emcd34=c5t3d9

Verify that there is sufficient space to complete to request:
# vxassist -g datadg maxsize

6) Increase the size of the /app filesystem by 25GB.
# vxresize -g datadg app +25g

Use 'df -k' to verify increased space when compared to the size before the resize.
# df -k /app

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